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πŸ‘‹ Welcome to BlindBox!

Deploy and isolate software to preserve your users' data privacy!

⬛ What is BlindBox?

BlindBox is a SaaS deployment solution which boosts compliance and improves the security posture of SaaS solutions by shielding SaaS end users' data at all times- even from the SaaS provider itself!

πŸ—οΈ Key features:

  • A CLI tool to deploy application images within BlindBox. We currently support Docker and we are working on other formats, like Kubernetes.

  • Applications are deployed within Confidential VMs, a type of confidential computing environment, which support additional security verifications.

  • An isolation layer to define custom security policies for the application inside the enclave. This will include selecting who can query the service running in the BlindBox and the range of networking access allowed within.

You can check out the project code on our GitHub.


BlindBox is still under development. Do not use in production!

How does it work?

BlindBox faciliates the deployment of SaaS applications within hardware based, highly-isolated environments with stringent code and environment verification checks by using confidential computing technologies. This environment acts as a shield, protecting user data from any outside access, even during computation! We also implement customizable network isolation within this environment so data owners can control what applications can do within the environment.

Why BlindBox?

  • BlindBox allows SaaS providers to offer their solutions to clients with strict compliance requirements, who previously were unable to benefit from Cloud-based solutions due to the risk of data leakage.
  • Significantly improves cybersecurity posture of SaaS solutions by reducing risk of data exposure.
  • BlindBox makes deployment in a confidential environment simple- we handle the deployment, isolation and attestation processes! All the SaaS provider needs to provide is their application image.

πŸš€ Getting started

πŸ™‹ Getting help

❓ Why trust us?

  • Our core security features are open source. We believe that transparency is the best way to ensure security and you can inspect the code yourself on our GitHub page.

  • Our historical project BlindAI was successfully audited by Quarkslab. Although both projects differ (BlindAI was meant for the confidential deployment of ONNX models inside Intel SGX enclaves), we want to highlight that we are serious about our security standards and know how to code secure remote attestation.

πŸ”’ Who made BlindBox?

BlindBox was developed by Mithril Security. Mithril Security is a startup focused on AI privacy solutions based on Confidential Computing technology. We provide several open-source tools for querying and deploying AI solutions while guaranteeing data privacy.